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solving a binomial
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Author Message


Registered: 07.03.2003

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 15:51    

Hi, can anyone please help me with my math homework? I am very poor in math and would be grateful if you could explain how to solve solving a binomial problems. I also would like to find out if there is a good website which can help me prepare well for my upcoming math exam. Thank you!
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Registered: 16.07.2003
From: Odense, Denmark

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 19:54    

How about some more particulars on your difficulty with solving a binomial? I might be able to give some information on . If you are not able to get a good guidance or some one to sit and sort out your trouble or if if it is too expensive , then there might be another way out . There are some good algebra programs that you can check out . I tried them out myself. It came across to me as fine as any tutor can be. I would pick Algebrator for the kind of clarification that you are looking for . What is pretty about it is that it takes you step by step to the solutions rather than just providing the answer. Why not give it a try ?
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Registered: 10.03.2002
From: Notts, UK.

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 09:47    

Yes I agree, Algebrator is a really useful tool. I bought it a few months back and I can say that it is the reason I am passing my math class. I have recommended it to my friends and they too find it very useful. I strongly recommend it to help you with your math homework.
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Registered: 20.05.2003
From: UK

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 20:20    

Great! I think that’s what I am looking for. Can you tell me where to buy it?
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Registered: 25.09.2001
From: Kµlt °ƒ Ø, working on my time machine

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 09:44    

Here you go kid,
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