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terms related to solving quadratic equation by completing the square
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Author Message


Registered: 29.12.2006
From: australia

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 09:31    

I'm getting really tired in my math class. It's terms related to solving quadratic equation by completing the square, but we're covering higher grade material. The topics are really complex and that’s why I usually sleep in the class. I like the subject and don’t want to drop it, but I have a real problem understanding it. Can someone guide me?
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Registered: 17.03.2002
From: Norway

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 19:20    

How about some more particulars on your difficulty with terms related to solving quadratic equation by completing the square? I might be able to give some leads. If you are not able to get a good guidance or some one to sit and sort out your trouble or if it is too costly , then there might be another easy way out . There are some good math programs that you can explore. I tested them out myself. It came across to me as good as any tutor can be. I would opt Algebrator for the kind of solutions that you are in the look out for. What is smart about it is that it hand holds you to the answer rather than simply providing the answer. Why not give it a try ?
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Registered: 19.10.2002
From: Vancouver, Canada

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 08:45    

Algebrator truly is a must-have for us math students. As already said in the post above , not only does it solve questions but it also explains all the intermediary steps involved in reaching that eventual result. That way apart from knowing the final answer, we also learn how to go about solving questions right from the first step till the last, and it helps a lot in preparing for exams .
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Registered: 18.10.2002
From: HkG SAR

Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 09:30    

Well, if the program is so effective then give me the link to it. I would like to try it once.
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Registered: 09.08.2002
From: Chattanooga, TN

Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 11:18    

I am glad to hear that you are ready to change your attitude towards this topic . Please visit to download this software.
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