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The Department’s Educational Philosophy
The study of mathematics will enhance the ability of all students to problem solve and to reason. Through a strong standardized
departmental program that emphasizes problem solving, communicating, reasoning and proof, making connections, and using
representations, students will develop self-confidence and a positive attitude towards mathematics.

Our curriculum matches that of the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework, and we are philosophically aligned with the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards.

Guiding Principles
• Mathematical ideas should be explored in ways that stimulate curiosity, create enjoyment of mathematics, and develop depth of
• Effective mathematics programs focus on problem solving and require teachers who have a deep knowledge of the discipline.
• Technology is an essential tool in a mathematics education, and all students should gain facility in using it where advantageous.
• All students should have a high-quality mathematics program.
• Assessment of student learning in mathematics should take many forms to inform instruction and learning.
• All students should understand the basic structure of mathematics.
• All students should recognize that the techniques of mathematics are reflections of its theory and structure.
• All students should gain facility in applying mathematical skills and concepts.
• All students should understand the role of inductive and deductive reasoning in mathematic and real life situations.


Course Frequency: Full-year course, five times per week
Credits Offered: Five
Prerequisites: None

Background to the Curriculum
This course, which used the Glencoe Algebra I text, 1996 edition, has been updated to the 2000 edition. The Glencoe text replaced the
Holt Algebra I, which had been used for the previous ten years. The Glencoe text is followed quite closely, since it matches both the
2000 edition of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum standards and the 2000 edition of the Massachusetts
State Framework recommendations for a first-year algebra course. This course, along with Elementary Algebra I, Part 2, would
expose students to the first-year Algebra I curriculum. These two courses are well aligned with national and state guidelines.
Teachers bring in other materials where appropriate and make minor changes as to the specific sections taught each year, after
consultation with the RDL.

Core Topics/Questions/Concepts/Skills
Simplifying algebraic expressions
Applying mathematical laws
Use of fundamental operations
Solving equations
Solving everyday word problems
Use of ratio, proportion, and percent
Solving equations in two or more variables
Graphing and writing line equations
Understanding basic concepts of Probability and Statistics

Course-End Learning Objectives

Learning Objective
1] simplifying numerical expressions
2] solving linear equations and inequalities
3] solve word problems involving perimeter, coins, percentage, mixture,
investment, etc.
4] graphing points and lines in the plane
5] graphing line using slope and y-intercept
6] finding the domain and range of functions
7] using function notation and evaluating functions
8] solving direct and inverse, variation problems
9] fit a line to data
10] applying introductory techniques in Probability and Statistics
11] using basic trigonometric ratios in right triangles
Corresponding state standards, where applicable
Algebra I.N.2
Algebra I.P.10
Algebra I.P.11

Algebra I.P.5
Algebra I.P.5
Algebra I.P.3
Algebra I.P.4
Algebra I.P.11
Algebra I.D.2
Algebra I.D.1

Students are generally assessed by in-class tests and quizzes, which are administered regularly throughout a marking period.
Generally, two quizzes are equivalent to a test. The students’ attitude, effort, and quality of homework preparations will also impact
their term grade to a small degree. Teachers informally assess students every day by asking pivotal questions, as well as questions
involving mechanics or concepts, and the students’ term grades may be positively affected to a small degree based on their responses.

A standardized midyear examination and final examination are administered to all students in this course in order to assess their longterm
retention of the course material.

Technology Learning Objectives Addressed in This Course
(This section is for faculty and administrative reference; students and parents may disregard.)

Course activity: skills &/or topics taught
1] Graphing calculators to introduce graphing of Linear
2] Graphing calculators to introduce the concept of Data
Analysis and Best Fit Lines
Technology standard(s) addressed through this activity

Materials and Resources
Teachers use other texts and resources for supplementary ideas, such as “Algebra with Pizzazz.” There are review materials that
closely match most tests and quizzes, as well as a close resemblance to the departmental examinations. All teachers of the course use
these materials. Teachers may also reinforce ideas by using manipulatives, such as algebra tiles, in class.